fuzmeister: Post for DudeTall3
So, I've been using Ventilation since July of 2002 (I remember that because my very first post was after seeing July 4th fireworks that year). I suppose that's a pretty long time to be using any site. Scrolling down the list of "active" users, I get nostalgic about some of those who have come and gone over the years. Most are people that I haven't even met in real life. In fact, the majority of people who read this post I will probably have never had contact with and probably never real. That's one of the great things about the internet.
One of the lamest things about the internet are flame wars. Now, I'm not going to take sides on any recent events, but it seems that, things have gotten out of hand once again. While, DudeTall3 may have insulted some of the folks here with his first couple political posts or even ruffled some feathers with his religious views, I'm not sure things were handled the best way they possibly could have been.
Again, I'm not trying to be biased (though it would be really easy to be since DudeTall3 is a close friend of mine), but when a user jumps to the conclusion that deleting all their posts and leaving the site forever is the best way to resolve differences, something is messed up. Surely, each of could probably point a finger at another user on here whose made some immature or hurtful comment, but what about that person?
Some of you might attack me and this post stating that I'm taking things too seriously. I actually don't care. I tried to stay out of the "conflicts" that went on between DudeTall3 and everyone here. I'm still not taking sides because I think both sides are kind of silly, but I'm making my viewpoint known that DudeTall3 had every right to post whatever the hell he wanted to here (unless Brandon says otherwise since he is the site's owner) and I don't really see who he was hurting by being here.
Like I said before, I've been a Vent user for years now, but if things are just going to continue to spiral into an elitist closed-community where an average joe can't come to spill his thoughts without being bashed to no end... (I move away from the mic to breathe)... I can't say I want to be a part of Vent anymore.
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" - Voltaire
Mood: Motherly
Music: Cream - As You Said
Tags (beta): vent, rant
So, I've been using Ventilation since July of 2002 (I remember that because my very first post was after seeing July 4th fireworks that year). I suppose that's a pretty long time to be using any site. Scrolling down the list of "active" users, I get nostalgic about some of those who have come and gone over the years. Most are people that I haven't even met in real life. In fact, the majority of people who read this post I will probably have never had contact with and probably never real. That's one of the great things about the internet.
One of the lamest things about the internet are flame wars. Now, I'm not going to take sides on any recent events, but it seems that, things have gotten out of hand once again. While, DudeTall3 may have insulted some of the folks here with his first couple political posts or even ruffled some feathers with his religious views, I'm not sure things were handled the best way they possibly could have been.
Again, I'm not trying to be biased (though it would be really easy to be since DudeTall3 is a close friend of mine), but when a user jumps to the conclusion that deleting all their posts and leaving the site forever is the best way to resolve differences, something is messed up. Surely, each of could probably point a finger at another user on here whose made some immature or hurtful comment, but what about that person?
Some of you might attack me and this post stating that I'm taking things too seriously. I actually don't care. I tried to stay out of the "conflicts" that went on between DudeTall3 and everyone here. I'm still not taking sides because I think both sides are kind of silly, but I'm making my viewpoint known that DudeTall3 had every right to post whatever the hell he wanted to here (unless Brandon says otherwise since he is the site's owner) and I don't really see who he was hurting by being here.
Like I said before, I've been a Vent user for years now, but if things are just going to continue to spiral into an elitist closed-community where an average joe can't come to spill his thoughts without being bashed to no end... (I move away from the mic to breathe)... I can't say I want to be a part of Vent anymore.
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" - Voltaire
Mood: Motherly
Music: Cream - As You Said
Tags (beta): vent, rant
Dudetall3 opened up with an insulting post towards Democrats. He then followed it up with a post that said that voting was a waste of time and that we were ignorant and childish for voting. Then he began preaching the virtues of Christ.
I'm all for his ability to post whatever he wants, but communication is a funny thing, people are going to talk back. If you're insulting, arrogant, or mean, people will return the favor.
It was never my intention for him to leave. It was my intention to make him defend his assertions. Instead of doing this, he decided to play the victim. To each his own I guess.
Sure, some other folks here were a little harsher than I was. Again, this is a result of his initial comments. Basically it was like walking into a room of people and yelling, "You guys suck!" and then being surprised when they argued the point with equal vitriol.
Maybe you can talk some sense into your friend. You've been there. I remember when you got angry and deleted all of your posts. That started because you and nitrusoxyde resented the fact that me and my friends found this site (due to my childhood friendship with Brandon) and crashed what you apparently felt was your private club. The two of you began insulting our well meaning posts in your posts and comments, and when those insults were returned you both snapped.
If everyone can just come down off of their high horses and treat others with respect, there won't ever be problems. Insult me, however, and I'll make it my personal goal to highlight your foolishness.