fuzmeister: The New Kanye West Album

Ok, this guy is a real prick and an incredible egomaniac, but I'll be damned if I'm not impressed by his newest release. At first, I thought the concept sounded lame and gimmicky (instead of rapping he sings with the assistance of autotune on all the tracks).

However, the cold, minimalism of the beats and the melodies he weaves (even if it's thanks to the autotune, it's still his intentions). It's definitely got a cool vibe to it and, as one review of it I read stated, it's sort of in the same vein as David Bowie's Low (one of my all time favorite records); the artist has totally shifted their musical style and may be in danger of alienating their core audiences, but has done so to communicate deeply personal emotions.

Mood: Intrigued
Music: Joy Division - Warsaw

Tags (beta): music

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