Kick names, take ass.
8-13-2014 8:44 pm
fuzmeister: Guardians of The Galaxy
Kate and I caught this one last night. I was on the fence on seeing it in the theater since I'm not super familiar with the source material, but, damn, this was a fun movie!

The whole film captured the essence of Star Wars quite well in some ways. The half-action/half-comedic tone worked really well and I loved the soundtrack. The casting was excellent as well, though I wasn't particularly attached to Zoey Saldana's character.

The infinity stone macguffin was completely forgivable just based on how much fun this movie was. I'm quite excited to see the direction they take the already-announced sequel in. Deeper story, more laughs, more awesome music - do it, Marvel!

Mood: Satisfied

Tags (beta): film, movies, marvel, ooga-chaka

Comments (1)

7-30-2014 8:09 pm
fuzmeister: Prisoners
A few movies were recently the topic of posts on Ventilation, so I figured I'd weigh in on the subject. A few months ago I had the privilege of watching Prisoners - a film that really received very little fanfare upon release from what I recall.

What a crime that this movie has been so overlooked. Marty - I love you, but The Wolf of Wall Street only got so many accolades and so much press due to you and Leonardo. Yeah, the performances were good, but the shallow characters and self-indulgent length kept it from being anywhere close to your past work. This is all my humble opinion, of course... but, I digress.

PRISONERS! Coming hot off the heels of his trip to Japan, Wolverine plays a father trying to find out what happened to his kidnapped daughter. Iron Man 1 Rhodes also stars opposite of Wolverine; he's lost his daughter as well, but handles it in a completely opposite way. It's early on in the movie when you maybe question how you would react to the situation. My gut says a lot of viewers would internally lean towards Wolverine's behavior, but maybe not have the gumption to act upon those thoughts.

Either way, Donnie Darko shows up as a detective assigned to the case and really adds an extra dimension to the story without overshadowing Wolverine's role. Honestly, I would be really thrilled if they brought back Donnie Darko's character for more movies with completely new cases. He plays the character so well that you can see this guy becoming a serialized gumshoe - like Colombo, only more modern.

Anywho - a lot of stuff happens in the movie over the course of almost three hours, but I was always intrigued and emotionally-invested in what was happening. Without any spoilers, the film nicely wraps up the main storyline while still providing an open ending. I love that they wrapped up the meat and potatoes, but didn't totally phone the ending in. It's always a fine balance with open-ended movies whether I ultimately love or hate how things are done. The way they handled it here - I love it.

Prisoners is a great movie. You should go watch it. It's long, but rewarding. It's unique, but grounded in reality. I'm seriously bummed not more has been said about it, because it's maybe the best standalone film I've seen in a long time (IE not a long-running franchise or adaptation).

Mood: Contemplative
Music: Frank Zappa - The Gumbo Variations

Tags (beta): movies, film

Comments (2)

12-07-2008 10:37 pm
fuzmeister: Deleted Scene From The Dark Knight

Ok, it's really not, but for some reason this stupid vid cracked me up. Don't forget - The Dark Knight comes out on DVD this Tuesday! Pick it up! I'm not going to lie; I'm jealous of all your blu-ray owners with this one. It'll look beautiful!

Mood: Amused
Music: Joy Division - Passover

Tags (beta): youtube, film

Comments (6)

7-11-2008 7:36 pm
fuzmeister: T Minus One Week
So, initial reviews for Chris Nolan's Dark Knight make me believe it will either be amazing and one of the greatest comic book films of all time or the film itself hypnotizes you into believing it is. Seriously, I haven't read a bad review yet. Jay Leno (for what it's worth) called the film the best movie of the year the other night when Aaron Eckhart was guest on the show.

Here's hoping that this film delivers what I was expecting from Indiana Jones

Mood: Relaxed
Music: The Smiths - Hand In Glove

Tags (beta): film

Comments (1)

7-03-2008 1:55 pm
fuzmeister: Don't Buy The DVD Yet... If You Were Even Going To
Seems that a good deal of the missing scenes from Fritz Lang's Metropolis have been discovered. I can almost guarantee you that within a year or two we'll have a more definitive version than that currently on the market... and that's the version I'll buy.

Also, check out the new Dark Knight poster! How cool is that? Are you excited? I know I am!

Mood: Intrigued
Music: Elvis Costello - Night Rally

Tags (beta): film

Comments (2)

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