Kick names, take ass.
12-04-2008 3:38 am
fuzmeister: Behind The Curve
So I've been playing Doom 3, it's atmospheric, designed well, and quite scary. It's no Half Life 2 though - honestly, that game boosted my standard for modern FPS games in a way I can't describe.

Seriously, that game is really freakin' awesome. It's not even the physics, the graphics, or the maps - it's just the entire package as a whole. It is so well executed and enjoyable.

I've been playing through the Episode 1 expansion, but I don't find it to be quite as compelling. Still great though.

I will say that I'm surprised how well Half Life 2 performs in comparison to Doom 3. For a game that's four years old, Doom 3 still has some slow down on this machine (though the video card isn't that great, so that's probably why).

Ah, well. On with the mission, marine.

Mood: Game-Oriented
Music: Bob Marley & The Wailers - Mix Up, Mix Up

Tags (beta): video games

Comments (0)

12-02-2008 3:00 am
fuzmeister: The New Kanye West Album

Ok, this guy is a real prick and an incredible egomaniac, but I'll be damned if I'm not impressed by his newest release. At first, I thought the concept sounded lame and gimmicky (instead of rapping he sings with the assistance of autotune on all the tracks).

However, the cold, minimalism of the beats and the melodies he weaves (even if it's thanks to the autotune, it's still his intentions). It's definitely got a cool vibe to it and, as one review of it I read stated, it's sort of in the same vein as David Bowie's Low (one of my all time favorite records); the artist has totally shifted their musical style and may be in danger of alienating their core audiences, but has done so to communicate deeply personal emotions.

Mood: Intrigued
Music: Joy Division - Warsaw

Tags (beta): music

Comments (2)

11-30-2008 7:22 pm
fuzmeister: Boswell, PA

Wednesday night we did a community benefit show in Boswell, PA. Though the crowd was kind of thin, we still had a good time and played some great tunes. No technical difficulties like the last show either!

There were four other acts playing that night. My personal favorite was Jody Perigo who played ukulele and sang. Her last song was a cover of Michael Jackson's Beat It that just sounded awesome on a uke.

Show details and the full setlist can be found here!

Mood: Tired
Music: R.E.M. - Man-Sized Wreath

Tags (beta): gigs, steve thompson music

Comments (2)

11-23-2008 9:45 pm
fuzmeister: Post for DudeTall3
So, I've been using Ventilation since July of 2002 (I remember that because my very first post was after seeing July 4th fireworks that year). I suppose that's a pretty long time to be using any site. Scrolling down the list of "active" users, I get nostalgic about some of those who have come and gone over the years. Most are people that I haven't even met in real life. In fact, the majority of people who read this post I will probably have never had contact with and probably never real. That's one of the great things about the internet.

One of the lamest things about the internet are flame wars. Now, I'm not going to take sides on any recent events, but it seems that, things have gotten out of hand once again. While, DudeTall3 may have insulted some of the folks here with his first couple political posts or even ruffled some feathers with his religious views, I'm not sure things were handled the best way they possibly could have been.

Again, I'm not trying to be biased (though it would be really easy to be since DudeTall3 is a close friend of mine), but when a user jumps to the conclusion that deleting all their posts and leaving the site forever is the best way to resolve differences, something is messed up. Surely, each of could probably point a finger at another user on here whose made some immature or hurtful comment, but what about that person?

Some of you might attack me and this post stating that I'm taking things too seriously. I actually don't care. I tried to stay out of the "conflicts" that went on between DudeTall3 and everyone here. I'm still not taking sides because I think both sides are kind of silly, but I'm making my viewpoint known that DudeTall3 had every right to post whatever the hell he wanted to here (unless Brandon says otherwise since he is the site's owner) and I don't really see who he was hurting by being here.

Like I said before, I've been a Vent user for years now, but if things are just going to continue to spiral into an elitist closed-community where an average joe can't come to spill his thoughts without being bashed to no end... (I move away from the mic to breathe)... I can't say I want to be a part of Vent anymore.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" - Voltaire

Mood: Motherly
Music: Cream - As You Said

Tags (beta): vent, rant

Comments (20)

11-22-2008 2:41 am
fuzmeister: Post for Steam® Users
It may seem basic, but something like a steamcard module for Vent would add a nice new layer to the personalization of Vent.

I may ok this with Brandon and create it... it'd be pretty easy to do.

Mood: Ambitious
Music: The Magnetic Fields - Too Drunk To Dream

Tags (beta): vent

Comments (1)

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