Kick names, take ass.
3-04-2008 3:45 am
fuzmeister: Ghosts
Trent Reznor is a pretty cool dude. Yesterday, he released two new hours of music very anticlimactically via the Nine Inch Nails web site and Amazon MP3. Plus, the entire first "volume" of the music is available absolutely free on The Pirate Bay for download. The man said he supported file-sharing and here's the proof of the pudding. For a mere 5$ you can grab the album today!

Mood: Fatigued
Music: The Beatles - I've Got A Feeling

Tags (beta): music

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3-03-2008 2:53 pm
fuzmeister: Please Stop Fighting Here in India!

A couple weeks ago, some of us watched this clip online and since have been joyfully quoting it.

Mood: Amused
Music: The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun

Tags (beta): funnyordie, music

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2-28-2008 2:27 am
fuzmeister: Writer's Block
I never understood the people that can put out the same shit every couple of years and call themselves musicians much less artists. The point of art innately might not be progress, but within the confides of whatever art may be by Joe Blow's definition, shouldn't the artist at least progress. Isn't that part of what it's about?

Then you have those blow-hards who try to return to their roots and recapture the magic of album x (Metallica, anyone?). I guess I just don't get where the point is that it becomes more about the money and less about the creation process itself. Yes, I understand some people play in bands and play music just for fun. Good for them. This post isn't for them.

This post is for all the Bon Jovi's and Collective Souls out there who think that the only purpose in life is a cyclical stream of bullshit that gets stinkier with each passing. I'd like to go on the record as saying there are some bands I like that follow this suit. That doesn't mean I have respect for them. I suppose I look at music different than most of the Western hemisphere does. Oh, well.

Point of this post is simple. I'm currently going through a phase where want to write, but I'm having trouble. I just wrote scads of the most accessible, poppy songs I've ever written and I'm in no way interested in doing that anymore. Most of my respect has been channeled lately towards a lot of ambient music. Stuff like Eno. Radiohead's Kid A and Amnesiac albums have been infectious lately as well for me. How does a band like that succeed so well being so inaccessible and free to do whatever they want? Boggles the mind really.

Here's hoping my bitter years are the early ones in my life and I become less of a crab as I get wrinkles on my ass.

Mood: Frustrated
Music: Cardiacs - Come Back Clammy Lammy

Tags (beta): music

Comments (2)

2-08-2008 12:04 am
fuzmeister: The Intelligent Alternative To Guitar Hero
Friend of mine from work sent me this video... I must say, this seems like it would be the logical decision over guitar hero...

Now I'm not saying Guitar Hero is crap, but if anyone seriously ever wanted to play guitar, this seems like it would be a much better decision... pricier, but better.

Mood: Hungry
Music: Gaelic Storm - Walk Through My Door

Tags (beta): music, video games

Comments (5)

2-04-2008 2:12 pm
fuzmeister: Flowing Out Like Endless Rain Inside a Paper Cup
My birthday is smushed between the newly official Across the Universe Day and Bob Marley Day. In case you're wondering, that means it's tomorrow. Pretty awesome though considering how much I love both artists.

Mood: Intrigued
Music: The Beatles - Think For Yourself

Tags (beta): music

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