fuzmeister: Super Mario World - Rant, Review, Observation... Maybe.
So Kate and I have been playing a lot of Super Mario World lately (Mr. Richardson and Mr. Patrick have been playing too). I guess I just want to say that this game, without a doubt, is one of the best games in its genre ever. While I don't think it's nearly as good as Super Mario Bros. 3, it comes pretty damn close.

Also, I found what I think is a bug in the game. It may be an elaborate secret, but I don't think so... take a look...

Vanilla Dome 2... Pretty normal looking?  A fall thru the ground!

Going deeper down tiles we shouldn't be able to.

Yeah - Vanilla Dome 2 - a seemingly bland cavern level seems to be home to a bug which lets you go through the ground if you're doing the spin-jump thing like crazy on those yellow blocks. Hey - Kate said she knew someone else who had done it, but I still think it's pretty damn cool.

I don't know - what do you guys think?

Mood: Tired
Music: Steve Miller Band - Serenade
Browsing: Retro Junk | Hey I remember that

Tags (beta): video games, bugs

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