Kick names, take ass.
10-19-2008 3:35 pm
fuzmeister: Crossover Madness
Now I'm not usually for huge crossovers that make no sense, but I am actually quite excited for Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.

This is bad since I don't have a 360 or PS3...

Mood: Still Hungry
Music: AC/DC - For Those About To Rock We Salute You

Tags (beta): video games, comic books

Comments (4)

5-06-2008 3:04 am
fuzmeister: The Down of the Upside
Ok, so Iron Man has been very lucrative to Marvel the past couple of days. I have yet to see it myself, but I plan to relatively soon. Today I was joking about how Marvel is starting to pick more obscure super heroes and jokingly said how they will make a Thor movie to combat the highly successful Aquaman trilogy.

Well, low and behold, it appears Thor is in development as is Captain America and The Avengers. Seriously, filmmakers have been milking this comic book movie thing the past few years a bit too much if you ask me.

Don't even get me started on Antman.

Mood: Irritated
Music: Nine Inch Nails - Lights in the Sky

Tags (beta): super heroes, film, comic books

Comments (2)

4-29-2007 8:50 pm
fuzmeister: Fictional Escapism
So today I went to the Pittsburgh Comicon to sort of get away from it all. Mike, a friend from back at college (also one of Kate's fellow resident assistants) went along as well. In my mind I knew what I wanted - Death of Superman. I remember the hype when I was a little kid and it rolled around. Such a big deal was made and, for a time, it seemed comic books would regain the level of popularity they had once had. I used to want to be a cartoonist - some days I still wish I had gone for that.

The complete Reign of Superman subseries

Anyway - I ended up finding the reign of Superman issues (there are four) where our hero comes back in four different forms from the grave - mind condition. The guy I bought them from also gave me the issue of Action comics where Lois finds out his identity and the issue of Superman where he proposes to her. Good stuff.


Some neat stuff definitely - I haven't been into comic books for so long that it was a bit "fish out of the water." On our way out I grabbed a teaser poster for the Star Trek prequel movie coming out apparently next year and probably sucking... guess we'll find out.


Here are some links from people I met there:

Music: Nightwish - Ghost Love Score
Mood: Intrigued at How Long My Cat Can Stare Out The Window

Tags (beta): super heroes, comic books

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