Kick names, take ass.
1-04-2012 2:25 pm
fuzmeister: Crossing The 4GB Threshold
RAM is pretty darn cheap these days. I installed 4GB of RAM last night in my Dell Inspiron 570 bumping me up to 8GB.

I'm expecting most of the performance boosts to come from stuff like Photoshop and Audition. I don't see games really benefiting from the jump, but who knows.

I guess the next logical step up for my budget model Dell would be a new video card. I'm in no rush for that though. RAM may be cheap these days, but I don't feel like premium video cards are.

Mood: Pleased and Frugal
Music: The Leafs - The Friends Song

Tags (beta): computers, upgrayedd

Comments (1)

8-15-2011 11:42 am
fuzmeister: The Personal Computer
So I broke down and got a new PC yesterday. It's a fairly bare bones affair, but my upstairs PC from 2002 died and I needed a new one up there anyway.

The irony of it is that the "old" one I'm now moving upstairs no longer turns on. It's like the damn power button is broken. There's no lights or anything and it just did it without warning.

At least I can play some newer games now with the new PC, I guess.

Mood: Irritated
Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Around the World

Tags (beta): computers

Comments (1)

11-04-2008 1:59 am
fuzmeister: Inherit The Tech
So I "inherited" Kate's "old" computer and bought Portal yesterday. So far, it's really great - definitely an achievement in design.

Mood: Tired, Actually
Music: Eagles of Death Metal - Wannabe in L.A.

Tags (beta): video games, computers, game design

Comments (3)

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