Kick names, take ass.
11-13-2014 4:37 pm
fuzmeister: Listening Statistics is a great tool for tracking listening statistics, but, often times, longer albums will naturally carry more weight for a user statistics often skewing statistically what a listener's actual favorite releases by a given artist might be. The concept of "album listens" or "actual favorites" is an attempt to rectify statistics and actually attempt to break down what a user's favorites might be (not simply what has been played the most).

The concept goes as such:
Overall Listens from Album / Tracks on Album = "Album Listens"

An example below shows two Pink Floyd albums - each has a very different number of tracks (one being a double album and the other having a mere five tracks). While "The Wall" has had significantly more listens due to the sheer scope of the album, "Wish You Were Here" checks out as being the album that was listened to more frequently!

Wish You Were Here
161 / 5 = 32.2

The Wall
547 / 26 = 21.04

I'd like to actually use the webservice and build a front end that does a comparison of overall plays vs. actual favorites.

Mood: Fatigued
Music: The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog

Tags (beta): music, development, webservices,

Comments (1)

12-07-2011 1:16 am
fuzmeister: Latest Code Frenzy
For years, I used a specific forum signature generator. The site that provided the service recently disappeared from the internet. Being the somewhat motivated programmer that I am, I simply decided to write a clone from scratch.

If you're a user of, you can pop in your info here and take it for a test drive. There's no error handling yet, so don't expect it to be unbreakable.

This is the second time I used the API (the first was for the vent module). It's pretty fun to mess with and pretty easy.

Code on.

Mood: Nerdy

Tags (beta): programming, nerdery,, php

Comments (1)

9-26-2008 12:37 am
fuzmeister: The New Vent Last.FM Module!
I know there aren't many other user of the social music site on Vent, but maybe the updated module that Brandon and I worked on today can convince you to get on the grid.

Not only can you see what your favorite Vent users have been rocking out to, but you now get a nifty little album art icon with a link to the album on (where many albums are fully streamable on-demand).

Anyway, thanks goes out to Brandon for all his help and his keen ability to deal with my PHP n00bness.

Try it out, y'all.

Mood: Elated
Music: The Beatles - You Won't See Me
Browsing: - Lemont Furnace, PA - Weather Forecast - Local Weather Forecasts

Tags (beta): vent,

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