fuzmeister: Skyrim
Before I go on this little rant, I just want to make it known that I really do enjoy Elder Scrolls V and am only throwing my two cents out into the ether for discussion's sake.

I appreciate the longer side quest story arcs, but I wish they would have fleshed more out for the main storyline. I don't feel like the story is really epic in tale - merely in scope. The story itself seems kind of cliched. The side quests and additional sub-stories are where the meat n' potatoes really are. In all fairness though, I'm only about 2/3 through the story quests from what I understand.

I also wish you could get some kind of experience for completing quests. As it stands, you get experience based on the things you do (similar to Final Fantasy II), but not for actually completing quests. Some may say that wouldn't work as there is no generic experience pool, but why not have the experience you earn from a quest go towards a specific skills. A stealth-heavy mission, for example, would yield experience towards the "sneak" skill on completion.

I'm obviously not a commercial game designer or anything and people will never totally agree on what the best systems for a game are. I just think the folks saying Skyrim is the best game ever aren't really all that right in the head... or haven't played many games...

Mood: Sore
Music: Carbon Leaf - Nowadays

Tags (beta): video games, skyrim

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