Kick names, take ass.

9-04-2003 1:33 pm
nitrusoxyde: Impending PWNdom
Well, apparently I've pissed people off and they're trying to snag me doing anything wrong.

Story: Jared finds out about bugs in security. Jared is assigned by Academic Vice President to find more holes. Jared makes someone look bad. Jared goes away for the summer. Jared comes back, and hears his name popping up in odd places. Jared finds out that a group of people is trying to frame him with a felony. G-Rand.

Mood: Fuggin Tired
Music: Orgy - Fiction
Browsing: The site that rejected my credit card

fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
Framed, eh? Well if you need a lawyer, I'm not really your man. If you need a programmer... uh... then I'm still not really man. But if you need an assassin... THEN I'm your man.
Brandon - (<-- The Electric Sunshine Man, yo!) - Administrator
d00d, that uh, sucks, er something.
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