Kick names, take ass.

10-31-2003 1:21 pm
nitrusoxyde: From the depths
In our moments where we give up hope, and accept our despair as pure shit - are the moments we truly become happy.

Is this a metaphor? ... NO!

So my mom is talking to me about how my dad is moving out and living with another woman... suck. SUCK I say.

We get done talking and out of nowhere, something great happens.

I've been hanging out with my friend Josh alot. His roommate Aimee is a sweetheart, and she always has a friend over or something.

WELL, there's one girl that's been over there alot lately - and so have I. To be honest, we stayed up till about 2am talking earlier this week.

Well anyway, after I get off the phone - guess who calls? Not only does she call... I've never had a girl ask ME out before.

I think I still have the brick that I shit.

So, abandon all hope ye who enter despair - karma finds those in need.

Mood: Tired, from staying up till 5am last night, and staying at Carmen's ;)

Brandon - (<-- The Electric Sunshine Man, yo!) - Administrator
At first it's the suck, but now...

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