Kick names, take ass.

10-27-2003 12:02 am
nitrusoxyde: I could use...
that blunt instrument Brandon was talking about.

Allow me to take a piss, then list what has happened during this month.


Maggie ditches me for a black guy at a club
Maggie and I get in a huge fight and 'take a break'
My dad moves out
I flunk a music appreciation test
My CD player breaks in my car
I get screwed out of $300 at work because I'm on salary
I get fired as an advertising rep as a result
Maggie stands me up for dinner, and I go hungry for a night
I walk in on Maggie screwing my friend Ken
Maggie stands me up to talk
My car gets broken into and trashed
The girl I was 'dating' stands me up

Welcome to the month from hell. BTW Brandon, post some info on how we can make our own theme for Ventillation.

Mood: Headache from the depths of hell
Music: Dead Silence
Browsing: MSVS.NET Edition

fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
Why are women such sources of suffering. Seriously, yo. : Sorry to hear all that shit, man. Hope things get better.
Brandon - (<-- The Electric Sunshine Man, yo!) - Administrator
Fuck man, no wonder you took to drinking ;)

But still, sorry to hear all that. Sorry that bitch screwed you around.

As far as themes, I'll send you a sample. You just need graphics and style sheet.
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