Kick names, take ass.

11-06-2003 8:29 pm
nitrusoxyde: The Matrix & Boobs
I miss boobs. :(


Anyway, The Matrix Revolutions was a good movie I thought. Not superb, but good.

I think what miffed me the most, was the fact that due to the way it ends - there won't be any more of the fun stuff. No room for more movies. :(

Last night marked one week that I've stayed at Carmen's apartment instead of my dorm. GO ME!

I miss boobies though. :(

Mood: Pitty for the Platonic

fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
Ah, yes - breasts! Many men prefer them - I enjoy the booty myself. But enough about that...

I am supposed to see the Matrix Revolutions this weekend, but some ass already told me how the movie ends. I don't know - I heard it blew heavy. I don't know.
nitrusoxyde - (
I don't get why people thought it blew.
Brandon - (<-- The Electric Sunshine Man, yo!) - Administrator
I like both T and A, so :P

And what do you mean there is no room for another movie? There are so many threads dangling that you could make a whole other series based around that "ending"
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
I hope they let the Matrix rust in peace. Good trilogy - but very, very weak in a lot of the later parts (however - this could just be due to high expectations on everyone's part).

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