Kick names, take ass.

12-03-2003 5:52 pm
I have finished my research project. :) Ok not really... Its just 90% done. Yes that's right - I have built a 3D Scanner -from start to finish. Tsai's Algorithm, Javelin Stamp, C++, GCC, and Solaris. HOOCHA HOOCHA HOOCHA, Lobster.

($5 to anyone who cought that refference.) I should have pictures of it up on my website soon.

I am single. I am proud to be single. I am going to become a whore. Wish me luck. :( Actually just wish me that I get to see Jesi again. :P

I'm also moving in with my flamboyantly good friend Josh. YAY FOR GETTING OUT OF THIS DORM! :D :D :D :D

Last but not least - why is it that we only update our blogs when someone else does. AND WHY DOES BRANDON NEVER POST IN HIS? YUO SLOTHERBRAIN!

Ok one more thing - if you need any car parts please visit my link - I'm making an effort to try and create some sort of steady income. :P

Mood: Dirty - time for a shower
Music: D I G I T A L L Y I M P O R T E D - WinAMP Stream
Browsing: Catch 22 Performance

fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
What Brandon doesn't know is that the FBI and CIA are secretly waiting for him to post so they can learn the details of new S+F Software projects... sad... that it's untrue... :(

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