Brandon: Theological discussion.
There are a couple things I'd like to say about my opinions on God and religion.
1) My (current) favorite quote about God is from the Futurama episode Godfellas. "If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."
2) My favorite movie about Religion is Dogma, although I have not seen Bill Maher's Religulous yet.
Also, what the fuck is wrong with Kansas? See
this example.
I mean, sure, the guy did go to a Muslim school when he was young and living in Indonesia. But he also went to a Catholic school.
Snopes has some good reading on that whole point. I guess since President-Elect Obama's mother is from Wichita, and she married a black man from Kenya, she sure as hell didn't get married in Wichita.
Come on people. This country was founded by people fleeing religious persecution. Just because someone else does not believe the way you do does not mean they are evil, or of Satan, or even of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I look at people like the pastor in the above-linked article as being pretty close to being the same as muslim extremists, you know, the ones who want to kill everyone? They are both running around with their fingers in their ears going "la-la-la I can't hear you" when anyone tries to tell them something different than what they have been indoctrinated. Granted, the extremist Christian types don't blow people up, yet.
How long until the next crusade? I hear Indiana Jones needs work these days.
Pensive: I like that word
Meh: is also a word now
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