Kick names, take ass.
10-25-2007 1:44 pm
Brandon: Lawl
I found this xkcd comic rather humorous!

Eating: Breakfast

Tags (beta): xkcd

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10-24-2007 1:37 am
Costumes are fun!

Tags (beta): care bears

Comments (1)

10-23-2007 1:44 am
Brandon: WTF is with the Windows Installer
So, why does the Setup project creator in Visual Studio 2005 basically suck, and nobody can seem to write a decent tutorial on WiX so it doesn't seem incredibly complicated. Not to mention that writing custom actions in managed code is apparently a no-no. That makes doing custom actions rather difficult when the built in ones are rather lacking, IMO.

Sure I can use managed code to write custom actions when creating a Setup project in Visual Studio 2005, but the UI is quite limited, plus the progress bar is just random in how it goes, and I can't put more detailed information on the UI.

Anyways, I'm just ranting.

Tags (beta): code, wix, windows installer

Comments (2)

10-01-2007 10:27 pm
Vikki: Wasting away my vacation time on a cold..
I'm officially sick. And bored. Now that I don't play Wow I don't have anything to do while I'm sick. Not really a good enough reason to stick that needle back in my arm but tempting.

The absolute best part is that I'm wasting the vacation time I've so carefully hoarded for a trip next year to visit Brandon's brother. What a lame way to spend vacation time.

The good news is I will most likely have memorized the majority of several Harry Potter books as I keep falling asleep in the middle of the CD and restarting it. This will come in handy when the Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit game comes out. Yay for merchandising.

On the bright side, Brandon is an excellent sick nurse. I'd be willing to rent him out. He makes a wonderful tea with honey from his mum and dad's bees. So at least I have that going for me.

And at least I don't have to feel guilty about my increased appetite. Woot!

Sniffling: Sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Comments (3)

9-29-2007 8:14 pm
Brandon: Tinkering
So, I'm playing around with some new stuff.

First off is dynamic details. Add as many detail fields as you want.

Secondly are tags for posts. This is currently in beta, I think it works ok, but I'm not sure. Use it to help categorize your posts and stuff.

I think: it works

Tags (beta): news, vent

Comments (3)

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